Baby B-Boys Toshiki and Taisuke

bboy taisuke and his cousin toshiki ski started to bboy aged 8 this is them aged 10 :) you can already see the signature moves of each as well as theyre individual style Random facts - Taisuke and Toshiki are cousins born on the same day in the same year (1990) they started to bboy because of theyre sisters Taisuke moved to tokyo to further his skillz Toshiki moved to osaka to further his skillz both have battled in Red bull BC one finals both are members of all area crew and mighty zulukingz though taisuke is also a member of red bull bc one all starz with roxite and hong 10 Taisuke is from Nagasaki

  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 29.08.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 29.08.11

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