Red Bull BC One 2010 arrives in Japan!

This weekend sees some of the world's leading B-boys converge on Tokyo for the Red Bull BC One final. But before the one-on-one B-boy battle begins, the dancers took the chance to break out on to the streets of Tokyo to bring their moves to Yoyogi Park, the Asakusa Kannon Temple, the Meiji shrine and Harajuku. Catch the live stream on, beginning at 7PM in TOKYO, 11AM in BERLIN, and 5AM in NEW YORK. いよいよ明日、Red Bull BC Oneが開催!世界中から集まったB-Boying の精鋭達が代々木第二体育館で熱いバトルを繰り広げる。そんな彼らが日本の文化に触れるため、渋谷、代々木公園、明治神宮、浅草寺などを周った。

  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 31.08.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 31.08.11

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