Dutch Soul Supply ''no count.. FEEL''

when this youngsters go on a quest too keep the funk alive!! when there was no form, no count just feel!! enjoy! =) just some moments of the show (some footworks and solo runs) Dancers : Patrick Roche Apinsa Seun latukolan Henry O'tawiah Edit by : Seun latukolan Dutch Soul Supply is the newest funk style sensation of the Netherlands! Choreographer and dancer Henry O'Tawiah brought the most talented funk dancers of the Netherlands together. Seun, Roche, Patrick and Henry won many solo prizes on an international level. Battles such as the Ultimate Dance Battle, Funkin Stylez,Juste deBout(holland). They will bundle their powers, full of tight moves, style and humor. Keep the soul Alive no copyright intended on the song : James Brown - Get up offa that thing

Kategoria: hip hop, locking
Tagi: locking , the , lockers , funk , james , brown , bobby , byrd , eath , wind , and , fire
  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 01.09.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 01.09.11

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