Introducing Bboy Flexum coming out of Santa Rosa, CA. He is currently residing in Las Vegas, NV., and represents crews such as: Knuckleheads Cali, 5150, Furious Styles, & Starchild La Rock. Flexum has been dedicated to Hip Hop and dancing for 17 years now. He's known through out the world for his style and creative take on bboying. Because of his ability to always keep it real and never fake the funk, his influence on the community is shown and respected by many. Links To Flexum: ______________________________________ "THE CALAMITY CORNER" is an online web series of breaking dialogue that consists of Tutorials, Interviews, Special Guests, & more. If you have any Questions, Concerns, or Comments, please send them to: (please enter your name, crew, & location if possible) Interviewer: Bboy Lancer (The Calamities) Filmed & Edited by: Bboy Eranetik (The Calamities) Follow Us On Tumblr For EXCLUSIVE Updates! Follow Us Individually On Twitter! @BboyLancer ( @EranetikSupreme ( Subscribe To Us On Youtube! THANKS FOR WATCHING
The Calamity Corner: Bboy Flexum (Knuckleheads Cali)

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