Bboy Life Dedication

Pequeno video dedicado a vida de Bboy, os sentimentos, emoções e estado de espirito que sentimos, não fui muito seletivo ao escolher os bboys no video porque existem centenas de bboys incriveis, porem peguei dançarinos do mundo todo, experem que gostem. - Bboy Dange do Brasil  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small video dedicated to the life of Bboy, feelings, emotions and state of mind we feel, I was not very selective when choosing the bboys in the video because there are hundreds of amazing bboys, but picked dancers from around the world, experiments like. - Bboy Dange from Brazil

  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 12.12.11
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 12.12.11

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