BBoy Ata - ATA at Breakin' Convention 2012

Being a b-boy sure is difficult having to try and fit the template of how 'real' b-boys act, so why is Ata's puppet frontin' on him? B-Boy Ata's debut solo ATA depicts an energetic b-boy's relationship with himself and the surrounding world and gives a perspective on life using b-boying as a form of expression. ATA sheds light on how an individual engages in a form of competitive subculture, as well as how breaking, as a vibrantly assertive and creative form of self expression, comes across to the audience. B-Boy Ata (Ghost Crew) is one of the most successful Finnish street dance experts. Sought after as a master teacher and performer his career started with success in international battles and continues with invitations to Europe and Asia as an invited guest judge. Choreographer Reija works on a wide range of productions within dance and theatre as well as dancing for contemporary dance productions. For more information on Breakin' Convention see Follow us Find us on Facebook at

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: bboy ata ata
  • Dodał: kalim
  • Zakceptowany: 29.06.12
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 29.06.12

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