This is a dedication to bboys and bgirls all over the world. I made it from a poem in 2003 for bboys, posted it in bboyworld. This was at a time when youtube wasn't as big as it is now. Back then the video had to actually be downloaded. So I guess if anyone wants to find it...they can find it here. Enjoy and keep dancing. For everyone asking for the lyrics: My heart skips a beat But my feet don't There's no song I don't scream No movement I make Without sweating I need no stage for stage presence The floor is my battlefield And the battlefield is my playground My arena, my turf, my stadium It is my court And I am the judge, the jury, And the executioner Each opponent is a victim As am I For I am bound by the rules of engagement I am a soldier without a gun My body is my weapon And no one commands or holds domain Over my actions I am as free as a bird Trapped in this cage of conflict I can fly But Im not afraid to fall I know no bounds I've been in too many battles To surrender to defeat I face death in each situation Ive killed and been killed Blew up and been blown up Yet no one has died With one gesture I can end it all One still moment I can make you stand I just need one One time to prove to you I am one and only I am one of many One in the same I am not alone I am what we are Bboys ALSO THIS POEM IS MY POEM. PLEASE DO NOT GET IT TWISTED.
Bboy dedication

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