Battle Strategies 5: Crew vs. Crew: Semifinals: UCLA vs. Handsome Boy Modeling School

Winner: Handsome Boy Modeling School CSULB Breakers presents: Battle Strategies When: Saturday, March 16th 2013. Where: Kinesiology East Gymn,1250 BELLFLOWER BOULEVARD LONG BEACH, CA 90840. Time: 1:00pm-9:00pm Price/Entrance: _text_10 Doors Open at 1:00pm sharp. ***Free parking is available on the streets of Palo Verde, Atherton, and Bellflower. Parking in campus costs _text_5.00*** Format: -2v2 Internewbie Battles -Intermediate: 3 years and under and Newbie: 1 year or under -32 spots, sign ups at 1:00pm. Internewbie DJ: Megatone -5-10 Crew Battles -minimum 5 bboys, maximum 10 bboys per crew -32 spots, sign ups at the door at 4:00pm -Battles start at 4:30 pm sharp. DJ: Ervin Arana MC: Artson (SEC) Judges: Easy Roc Paranoid Android (Knuckleheadz Cali) Luigi (Skill Methodz) Prize: _text_700 and Gear

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: brak
  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 22.03.13
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 22.03.13

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