The clip explains the concept behind "Red Bull Flying Bach" and the visualisation of Bach's sounds into movements with high-speed captures. Bach and breakdance do not fit? With their fascinating Red Bull Flying Bach performance, four times breakdancing world champions Flying Steps and opera director Christoph Hagel prove quite the opposite. After the highly acclaimed world premiere at Berlin's Neue Nationalgalerie and the famous award ECHO Classical Special Jury award 2010, this one-of-a-kind performance now starts to tour Europe. High culture meets urban art: In the clash of cultures Red Bull Flying Bach turns the international classical world upside down. Their creative performance visualizes and revives Johann Sebastian Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier crossing the borders of serious music and youth culture. Note by note. Step by step. With piano, harpsichord and electronic beats. With head spins, power moves and freezes. With visuals and a storyline, 70 minutes long. In 2011, the Red Bull Flying Bach European Tour will capture international stages: after the kick-off appearance in Bonn (DE), shows in Copenhagen (DK), Istanbul and Ankara (TR), Zurich (CH), Vienna (AT) as well as an extensive tour through Germany will follow.
Red Bull Flying Bach 2011 - Breakdance meets Classical Music - The Visual Translation

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