Kash "pHlauZ" Gaines And Danny "Silver" Fiamingo Promo 2009 HD

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: KASHOFYAK PHOTOS OF MY TRAVELS AND MY SHOE AND CAP COLLECTIONS Two breakers showing some of their individual combos and team skills in this reel of recent battles. Kash "pHlauZ" (pronounced flaws) Gaines is the taller (6 foot 4/ 192cm) of the two and creates most of their team moves and helps the team advance in the battle and dance world because of his choreographed dance experience that hes bringing to the dance. Also he is a big studier of other dance styles and creates videos with YAKfilms. Daniel "Silver" Fiamingo is considered the secret weapon of the team. His self chosen moves show that he loves being on his hands, shoulders, and elbows both spinning and hopping. hes been a bboy for about 7 years and is often trying to come up with a new way to express himself with whatever song he hears. HIs moves are much more dynamic and crowd pleasing but his intentions when dancing is to "embody the music."

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: brak
  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 05.10.13
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 05.10.13

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