WATCH 720p HD Empire of the Sun & Tommy Trash - Celebrate Tommy Trash Remix #CokeREDMoves @RED MOVEment 700 babies are born with HIV every day. We want to invite you to help get that number close to ZERO...just by DANCING! Join the MOVEment with Empire Of The Sun, Tommy Trash and the best dancers in the world. Go to to find out more how you can help save lives. For every video with the hashtag or title #CokeREDMoves, Coca-Cola will make a further donation to the Global Fund which could provide more than 60 days of life saving medicine for someone living with HIV. You can also join the (RED) movement by liking, commenting and sharing this video. #CokeREDMoves move for the movement ✖ Follow me: TWITTER:!/IdaMilec FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE:
Empire of the Sun & Tommy Trash - Celebrate Tommy Trash Remix | #CokeREDMoves @RED MOVEment

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