Onton | "Supernaturalz Style - Flow, Complexity, & Originality"

A compilation of me at session. This video I wanted to focus on the essence of the Supernaturalz Style (Flow, Complexity, & Originality). Hope you enjoy it! Dedicated to my family/crew & friends. Props to my mentors, inspirations and those who have shared/trained with me, you have all helped me grow to where I am now. Much love! OntonSNC@Gmail.com http://www.facebook.com/Onton http://www.instagram.com/OntonSNC Song: The Juju Orchestra - Kind of Latin Rhythm (Smoove Remix) Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the music used.

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: brak
  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 05.02.14
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 05.02.14

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