One love

My friend, I want to ask u to help me to make a video with bboys and bgirls from all around the world who are against the war in Ukraine and the whole world. I think it is time to use the same weapon as they use - INFORMATION, VIDEO, PEOPLE. we really need this support now as never! So, what I need is a short video from u - your go-down, introducing yourself, which country and city u are representing and what nationality! and download it to any server where I can download it, send me the link! The final word is - WE ARE ONE FAMILY, BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE ARE AGAINST THE WAR IN UKRAINE, WE WANT TO LIVE IN PEACE! STOP POLITICIAN GAMES!

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: brak
  • Dodał: radi
  • Zakceptowany: 12.03.14
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 12.03.14

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