Floor Wars 2014 | The Ruggeds vs Hunters

Quarter Final | Floor Wars 2014 | The Ruggeds vs Hunters Winner: The Ruggeds Quarter Final of the 3on3 B-Boy Battle at the 10th edition of Floor Wars, held at March 15 in Copenhagen, Denmark Facebook Floor Wars:https://www.facebook.com/floorwarsinternational Website Floor Wars: http://floorwars.dk/ The battle is arranged by the "Great 8″-principle: Eight crews from all over the world are invited as the Great 8 crews who will be challenged by eight crews, that will be selected in a qualification prior to the main battle. Thus, any crew has the opportunity to enter the competition. Our aim is to inspire both newbies and professionals of the break dance scene, and to provide a forum for networking and exchanging of ideas and experiences. Not only do we want to present some of the best b-boys, we also want to present new talents from the underground and dancers, that challenge the existing norms in b-boying As the name of the event indicates, the show is being held on the floor "arena-style" in order to preserve the intimacy and intensity of the battle. In adddition to the main battle, there are also smaller side-battles going on, such as a popping battle and a toprock battle. Floor Wars is arranged by Breakpoint, a hip-hop community formed to practice and develop the dance forms of hip-hop: Breaking, Electric Boogie and Locking. Breakpoint is a forum for inspiration and communication involving different cultures with hip-hop as the shared outlook. Breakpoint range from some of Denmarks best dancers to absolute beginners. We do shows, arrange jams and offer dance-lessons.

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: brak
  • Dodał: becet
  • Zakceptowany: 23.03.14
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 23.03.14

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