As #streetart stands in the forefront of the art culture, it's opened up many doors for artists who were not exactly graffiti writers to express and display their vision in a unique way worldwide. Though at times it may be forgotten, the four elements of hip-hop (bboying, graffiti, djing, and MCing) were the true origins of what we consider street art today. This video pays homage to this universal movement through one of the original art forms born in the streets of NYC. Shot in the LES, one of the most popular areas for artists of all kinds in the 70's, bboy Samo carries on tradition in this latest clip. Enjoy! Street Artists: Miss Me // @Miss_Me_Art (Montreal) Ivan Orama // @IvanOrama (NYC) Filmed by Willie Caba Directed by Samo Soto Music by The Sound Defects "The Fuzz"
BBOY SAMO - #STREETART // ft. Miss Me & Ivan Orama

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