"Reason to the Movement" | Bboy illz

Using complex(yet dynamic) footwork and unique threads, his style stands out from the rest. His dance is very intricate and flowy. There's a reason to every movement in his body. Hailing from Toronto, Canada and representing Ground illusionz Crew and Lionz of Zion, the one and only Bboy illz! IG : @anthonyillzput Filmed & Edited by: Pete "k.b.e." Kang ( @kbe55) Subscribe! www.youtube.com/strifetv Like us on Facebook! : www.facebook.com/strifetv Follow us on Instagram! : www.instagram.com/strifetv Follow us on Twitter! : www.twitter.com/strifetv Buy some Merch! : www.strife.tv

Kategoria: hip hop, breaking
Tagi: bboy , illz
  • Dodał: becet
  • Zakceptowany: 18.12.15
  • Ostatnie zmiany: 18.12.15

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