See Music Videos that you CAN'T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. South Central Cartel is a Los Angeles-based gangsta rap group. Some of their popular songs include "U Gotta Deal Wit Dis", "Pops Was a Rolla", "Ya Getz Clowned", "Gang Stories", "Servin 'Em Heat", "Knocc on Wood" (Remix), and "All Day Everyday". As one of the original early-'90s West Coast gangsta collectives to follow N.W.A.'s lead, South Central Cartel first appeared with their debut album South Central Madness in 1991, before releasing a succession of albums throughout the remainder of the decade. After their follow-up, 1994s 'N Gatz We Truss, generated a sizable amount of attention in the gangsta rap underground. Def Jam Recordings signed the group, eventually resulting in their most commercially successful album, 1997s All Day Everyday. During this same era, group leaders Havoc and Prodeje together released a string of albums on Pump Records as well, helping garner a small yet healthy cult audience. Despite their lack of mainstream success, the group does stand alongside fellow early-'90s West Coast colleagues such as N.W.A., Compton's Most Wanted, and Above the Law as gangsta rap pioneers.
Teledysk: South Central Cartel "Ya Getz Clowned"

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