See Music Videos that you CAN'T See on You Tube! even some X RATED music videos! +Live Chat and Embed video codes. Easy Mo Bee (born Osten Harvey, Jr. in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York) is Grammy-winning hip hop/R&B record producer, most notable for his affiliation with Bad Boy Records in its early years and his heavy production involvement in The Notorious B.I.G.'s acclaimed debut Ready to Die. Early years In high school, Harvey donned his Mo Bee moniker and started a group named "Rappin' is Fundamental" among some classmates. One of its members played one of Easy Mo Bee's beat tapes for his classmate, the Brooklyn rapper who would become known as Big Daddy Kane. Impressed, Kane had Easy produce two tracks on the rapper's album It's a Big Daddy Thing and netted him production on many of Kane's future releases. Afterward, Easy produced the lion's share of Words from the Genius, the debut album of GZA from what would become the Wu-Tang Clan. Easy Mo Bee also produced Miles Davis' final studio album, 1992's Doo-Bop, which won the 1993 Grammy Award for Best R&B Instrumental Performance.
Teledysk: Easy Mo Bee featuring Kool G. Rap & Jinx "NYC"

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