Download the song "Warming Up" by artist "Smokey Robotic": After Breaking died in the late 80's, it went into the dark ages, where many of the general public, shunned and hated on Bboying. This caused many of the Bboys to either quit, or disappear. In the early 90's, there were only rumors of other existing b-boys in other regions. The way that B-boys reputations were spread, was through the rare underground circulating footage, which if obtained, was considered as gold. In the mid 90's, before the competition era, B-boys would seek out wars and battles against other mystery crews, where underground reputations and legendary battles were made. Each crew and it's entourage would roll down to the parties, with at least one person bringing a camera to record what was about to go down. Although battles were often spontaneous, sometimes many people at the party already knew that a battle was going to take place, causing tension in the atmosphere. Whatever went down in the cyphers, was lucky enough to be captured on camera, which inspired the next generation of B-boys. This was a time before judges, time limits and rules... when the cyphers ruled, and legendary reputations were either earned, lost or made. 2013 R16 Cypher Mission = 70's-90's hip hop battles mentality = Cyphers + Reputation + Footage (No Judges, No Limits, No Rules) R16, is an annual world renown championship street dance event and 3 day urban arts festival. The majority of the competing artist in Bboying, Popping and Locking have won R16 Eliminations from all around the world. This year R16 is adding the raw cypher aspect with a cypher contest for _text_9000 USD. For more information about the R16 Cypher Mission, click the link below The concept of RESPECT is the everlasting theme of this massive four-day event. Over 300 artists, musicians, grassroots-content creators, promoters, producers, urban enthusiasts, hip-hop heads and b-boys from around the world convene in Korea, in an attempt to provide the proper inspiration necessary to push the movement forward. What started out as a world-championship-level b-boy tournament has now evolved into a massive annual festival, which seeks to encompass all aspects of urban youth cultures, as the festival draws visitors and spectators not only from Korea, but also from different regions of Asia and the world. In 2007, the R16 World B-Boy Championships & Urban Arts Festival was launched as a means of answering a single, burning question: With the support of the government and nation, can grassroots, youth-based cultures like hip-hop and b-boying become profitable, self-sustaining industries? Can these underground movements embed themselves and maintain relevance in society and the mainstream media in Korea and throughout the world? Through the generous support of the Korea Tourism Organization, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the city of Incheon, this year's world-class festival will celebrate and demonstrate the power of youth and the positive possibilities a gathering of this nature can create. More than anything, this event is a testament to the notion that through dedication and passion, anything is possible. Despite all the conflicts and prejudices that exist in our world, we can still overcome our differences and unite as a group through dance.
Teledysk: Smokey Robotic - "Warming Up" (featuring Bboys and a RAW Cypher Call Out Battle)

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